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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kenny Rogers Roasters Promo~ Beli 1 Free 1 Kenny’s Quarter Meal Tapi Bersyarat!!!!

Senang jer pakai jelah apa saja yg merah..
tp yg nampak yer...kalau tak nampak camno

Promo ni start 
esok yer 
11th Jan 2012
ko jgn pi hari ni lak...

The annual ROASTERS Eating Day (RED) is back

Wear clothing / footwear / accessories in RED
to enjoy this Buy 1 Free 1 Kenny’s Quarter Meal

11 January 2012

Terms and Conditions
  1. Not valid with other offers/promotions/discount.
  2. Promotion starts from 10am and valid on 11 January 2012 only. While stocks last.
  3. For dine-on only. No pre-order, pre-payment or phone orders will be accepted for this promotion.
  4. One complimentary Kenny’s Quarter Meal (equal or less value) with purchase of 1 Kenny’s Quarter Meal
  5. Subject to current Government Tax and 6% service charge where applicable.
  6. Berjaya Roasters (M) Sdn. Bhd. reserved the rights to disqualify any guest if it is deemed the rules were not followed.
Psst: Aku tak tau nak pi ke tak...paling tak koser nak beratur bagai ni..kalau dgn geng hokey...tp dgn Mr Y bab2 camni tak kosernyer


Cik Lily Putih said...

aku pun malas, coz aku rasa mesti ramai giler dah beratur before kul 10 lagi kan.

el said...

taun lepas dah pi..ngan ofismate giler kentang nak tgu order smpi..kuo ofis kul 1230..balik kul 3...hambek ko..bos dah hangin muahahaha..so esok x tau nak pi ke x..:)

Rinna said...

Jarang sgt.. makan kat KR nie.. kalau jumpa restoren nie jarang sgt ler nak singgah.. tapi teruja laa plak ngan peromotion tuh.. hehehe..

lieyalatif said...

lagi sekali le kite akan tgk org berbaju merah beratur panjang di KR heeheheheh...

lieya tak join pun tapi suke tgk org yg gigih beratur ....

syanasaid said...

ala..dulu dams ni ade KR
skrg da tutup

NighBerkz’S Blogs said...

kne bratur ke.. mcm panjang jep..hakhka


adarnadzmie said...

besa gak pergi masa promo yg lepas... masa tu nasib baik tak ramai org... kira dapat terus ke kaunter...hehe... masa tu x pakai pun tema merah...klu x salah akak la bj purple kot... huahua... tumpang bj merah kawan... haha...belasah jer....

Razif Redz said...

merah pn merah lah

Mimy Hamid said...

kkr promo merah dah comeback...larat ke tak aku nak pegi ni..hmmm

ct rahani said...

semalam gi mkn sini la henpon leh ilang.. sedih.. huhu..