Come on GIRLS....murah2 ajer....BIM nyer wa dah courier hari ni....enjoyyyy....
I ada a few item to let go....all the clothes in good condition ....beli sbb mcm perasaan kalu I pakai cam muat...muat mmg lemax2 tersembul tu masih I have decided to let go....anyone interested please let.
Shirt - Pink RM5 - SOLD
Carrefour butik
Remarks: to clear my wardrobe..
jacket- RED RM5
Ampang park butik
Remarks: to clear my wardrobe
Shirt - Green RM5 M -SOLD
Remarks: Nice but my triceps cam bionic cam tak selesa....
Shirt - Purple RM5 L
Remarks: Nice but my triceps cam bionic cam tak selesa....
Long Blazer - Black RM15 M but quite big laaaa - SOLD
Remarks: too big
Remarks: malas nak pakai...adalah 2/3 kali pakai....
Dress- Pink RM10 free size
Ampang Park
Ampang Park
Remarks: Nice sgt tapi cam beselaaa aku tak selesa sbb triceps wa...body cun...aku pun tak tau kenapa aku beli...but I really like it...apa kan daya laaa ni tgh usaha mengecilkan lengan ku yg beso ni

Dress- Black RM5 free size
Dress- Black RM5 free size
Tailor made - no so transparent...
Remarks: Aku dah boring cutting ala2 kebaya gitu

Shirt & Skirt - Grey RM5 M
Ampang Point
Remarks: Aku dah boring cutting ala2 kebaya gitu
Shirt & Skirt - Grey RM5 M
Ampang Point
Remarks: Betapa keciknyer badan ku before married...pakai skali ...bought bcoz of my farewell wt MBB...
baju kurung- Green RM5
Remarks: Beli sbb annual dinner...lepas tu simpan....actually p office pun bley....
Remarks: Beli sbb annual dinner...lepas tu simpan....actually p office pun bley....
Dress Black RM15
JJ Remarks: Beli sbb annual dinner...lepas tu simpan....
JJ Remarks: Beli sbb annual dinner...lepas tu simpan....
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