Back to exercise...exercise...ingat hari tu dah loose 5kg..leh ler rilex2 sikit...but I'm unlucky...i think exercise will be my routine for the whole sad....what to do my body need to work out work out back to kembang...menci menci...lepas cam dah slim sikit...i stop exercise in the office actually in office toilet...pelik tapi benar...tu yg p toilet lama pastu cam penat jer....while working pun i still do stretching at least move my leg under the table...but i bear in mind whatever I do...I have to keep on moving at least walk to toilet & lunch time...tulah kerja bnyk duduk nie ler ropernyer....yesterday hubby ada kata my butt cam dah besar it bcoz of jeans yg pakai last weekend or mmg i dah kembang kat bahagian tu..nak kata i tak exercise tak leh gak...last week...kalu tak exercise pun 1 day only...itupun bcoz my body need a rest ...pastu on saturday tu pun tak laratlaaa coz buat housekeeping satu umah....& I really sweat...nak kata tak jaga mkn pun tak leh gak...i think I had a balance food katanyer hahah....& kalu terlebih sudah pun I swap wt exercise...tapi takper I except my hubby comment eventhough rasa cam nak cekik2 dia....not him only anyone says....hehehe...sakit hati but it makes me alert to work out more & watch out my diet...but I'm not that crazylaaa sampai ikat perut...I have my own way to diet....
la nie celik jer mata....i buat exercise especially squad,lunges,sit up & triceps...about 5 minutes....i did not count tapi every step 1 minute to make the exercise fun & not forcing myself...i ni pun ada penyakit malesss sikit......So start hari ni every time I went to toilet office i buat squad by khaty smith 50x...hopefully kalu I masuk daily 10 times x 50 butt can be smaler...hahah..tak leh leka laaa...
kalu ikutkan sakit hati nak jer telan pil...but i think i try this way first...kalu tak jalan baru I think other alternative...I need ur support girls...LUNCH nanti nak cari ACV tapi brand BRAGG...quite pofular gak ...because i nyer stomach selalu constipation...I dengar ramai yg slim...pantang dgr...walaupun tekak cam tak lalu nak telan but I will try ...
nak kurus tak reminder to myself...
Ada jugak terfikir naper laa aku tak kurus kering cam org lain ....tapi bila pikir balik I should be kat palestin tu lagi sian....nyawa di pertaruhkan....aku badan naik pun nak kecoh...hahha....just to share...pompuan biasalaaa kan...
Tapi peliklaaa baru jer my collegue tego why u so slim susah hati ker...I said no I'm happy....mana satu betul hubby or my collegue???
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