Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Subway Buy 1 Free 1 ~ Yess tak perlu Kupon!!!!!

Subway is offering
Buy 1 Free 1 Promotion
                                            on 27 June 2012
Simply walk into any of Subway Restaurants
on 27 June 2012
on Wednesday yer
purchase 1 regular 6″ Subway sandwich
and they will give you another one for free
*No coupon required*

Terms and Conditions
  1. Offer valid on 27 June 2012
  2. No coupon required
  3. One free 6″ Sandwich per transaction (non-consecutive), per visit (non-consecutive)
  4. Not good with “Sub of The Day” or any other offers and discounts
  5. Free sandwich is of equal or lower value
  6. Add-ons are chargeable
  7. Valid at all Subway Restaurants in Malaysia
Psst: Bagus senang tak perlu voucher...klaa nak pi training lagi...tak habis2....babai


  1. wah...bagus ni posh...nanti rabu i gi terjah subway laa kat seri kembangan nun heheheeh...

    my favy nieh!

  2. hari rabu pulak... emm tak dapat gi.

  3. first time uncle makan kat subway di KL central...mmg puas hati lah..!!!

  4. bestnyaaa

    beb .. ada entry yg id credit ke U pasal BE .. TQ dear .. ;)

  5. thanks for sharing... Jemput laa follow blog saya...

  6. Baguslah u dear... Mana tau info2 ni ye? MQ memang suka makan2 ni... Lg2 klu free... Kira oklah half price untuk 2 set..

  7. Menarik tapi tak pernah lagi makan kat Subway nie.. :)

  8. previously dah 2 kali pergi redeem yang berkupon tu...puash hati gila..haha

    ni takyah kupon lagi best kann..

  9. kita tak pernah mkn, awak. sedap ke?

  10. aku tak pernah makan subway beb.kat jb baru ada satu branch bukak.tak sempat pegi lagi...

  11. esok leh singgah Kl Sentral beli neh...hehehe~

  12. tq for this info posh!!! love it! :)

  13. cis..baru pi makan time lunch tadi..kalau tau esok je pi makan subway..hehehe..

  14. benciiii sebab kita jauh bkn duk KL :(

  15. Duhh... ruginya... Dahlah lama tak makan Subway :(


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