Dek sbbkan aku antara peminat Burger King
harusla share dgn u olls kot2 tingin gak nak pekena
lagi satu burger king is more healthy
Burger King Officially Brings You The
Extra Beefilicious Deal
harusla share dgn u olls kot2 tingin gak nak pekena
Burger King...
lagipun asik makan MCD bohsankan...lagi satu burger king is more healthy
Burger King Officially Brings You The
Extra Beefilicious Deal
New Supreme Angus Steakhouse
Flame-Grilles Premium Beef
@ RM 5.00 only*Please print this coupon and enjoy the offer*
Valid from
1 -8 December 2011
Psst: Jgn terlepas peluang!!!!!!!!!
burger king memang suka buat promotion murah kan
ReplyDeletekonpom nak beli...kebetulan tengahari nk gi MV ni...hehehe
ReplyDeleteyeahhhhhh ku pon peminat burger king!tq sharing this posh....udah print dah....=)
ReplyDeletesedap ke beger king ni?huhu
ReplyDeletemmg menarik laa sis.....seb baik sis ni baik hati tak kedekut share info...dpt mkn beger king murah kang...thank sis!!~
ReplyDeletethanks beb 4 the info
ReplyDeleteaku jarang mkn BK
suka gak burger king...
ReplyDeletetapi outlet dia tak sebanyak mcD kan...
bagus ada promo...leh terjah...
thanx for sharing the info :)
katanya BK ni x halal...allahualam
ReplyDeleteboleh pritn mcm tu je ke? Print color ke tak color?
ReplyDeleteTq.. share kat sini.. dah lama jugak tak makan burger king.. yummy..
ReplyDeletesalam posh - tq..tq..tq.. i like..
ReplyDeletesamalah kita , cik ina pun minat berger king, terbaek dari opss kang kena saman plak.:)
ReplyDeleteeh..murah..sedap burger king ni..
ReplyDeletesalam - lina dh beli mmg sgt sedap..kepada yg belum cuba harus cuba hari cuti2 esok...
ReplyDeletekat area opis ni takder burger king pon..huhuhu
ReplyDeletewah sdapnya .. den x pernah layie menikmati burger king nie huhuh
ReplyDeleterumah aku 5 km jer dari Burger King...syioknyer...thanks for info..
ReplyDeleteMarine Essence beauty Bar -Kecantikan Wajah dan Ku...
Lama dah x makan buger king. Ini dah Kira bagus buat promotion murah lak tu.
ReplyDeletenasib baik la tempat saya xde burger king huhu
ReplyDeletesempat lagi nak pegi nih..
ReplyDeletelapar nih
ReplyDeleteharus beli ni
ReplyDeletearea opis ni nan ado beger king lah..sobsob nk jln pi ioi mall jauh la pulokk =.=
ReplyDeleteBK? ok mohon print benda ni :)
ReplyDeleteorait tq bebehh
ReplyDeleteWah bestnyaa.. RM5 murah tuh.. tak penah lagi makan kat BK nie.. :)
ReplyDeletedh print dh sis.. tq 4 sharing.. hiks..
ReplyDeleteKC suka burger king. thnks for sharing this posh.