Tuesday, October 18, 2011

DealCity: Win a 3 Days 2 Nights Stay for 2 at Pangkor Laut Resort~bessnyer honeymoon

from DealCity
which includes
  • 3 Days 2 Nights stay for 2 at the Pangkor Laut Resort
  • Daily Breakfast at the Feast Village, Lunch at Royal Bay Beach Club or Chapman's Bar and a Set Dinner at Uncle Lim's Kitchen or Feast Village
  • Return Ferry Transfer for 2 adults
*Travel Period: March 2012*

How to Join the Contest
  1. Join DealCity as a member
  2. Click on the "BUY" icon for the contest and proceed to 'buy' the contest at zero cost (no credit card details required)
  3. You are now in the running to win the prize
~Click here to join the contest now~

How to Increase Your Chances of Winning the Prize
  • Share the contest with your friends via FaceBook, Twitter or Email using your unique referral link.
  • Every successful referral will entitle you to an additional chance in winning the prize.
  • You will also earn RM1 credit for every successful referral. (Please note that the referral credits reward will only be applicable during 17 Oct - 30 Oct 2011)
syiok ni!!!

Psst: Tunggu apa lagi jomla joint....


  1. beshnya kalau menang..gudluck posh

  2. tetiba rasa cam need a vacationnnnn :)
    gudluck beb...

  3. menariks jugak nieh...kalo menang ...dpt honeymoon gituuu...

    anyway, good luck posh!~

  4. mahal wo tmpt ni

    kalu yu menang

    mmg berbaloi la

    syok woooo

  5. kalau menang kasi i k..ahehhee

  6. Wow cantiknyaa.. resort tuh.. Good luck..yer Posh.. :)

  7. pangkor laut ni mmg best kan sis..

  8. syoknya...aku mmg plan pun nak gi Pangkor for honeymoon..tp nak masuk contest malas le

  9. wah2 .. 2nd oneymoon memang sesuai kan :) soo ape layie .. best luck 4 uu :)


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Kutukan adalah tidak dibenarkan sama sekali
Terima kasih kerana sudi komen
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