Kalu korang jadi aku
korang nak maafkan ataupun
apa tindakan korang seterusnyer
Sila kasi komen yer
Ni aku copy bulat2 dari email yg aku received semalam
dari Watsons
Sila rajin2 kan diri baca yer
Inipun utk reference korang kalu
terkene benda yang sama
is good to be share
Firstly allow me to apologise to you for the delay in coming back to you with a more appropriate response as we were seriously investigating your case with several parties, namely our Security Department and our Store Management
With regards to your incident I would like to offer you the following explanation and actions that shall be taken…
After discussion with the Store Management, we have reviewed our CCTV tapes and found no reason to believe that you had shoplifted from us, although our in store sensormatic security panels did beep upon your departure but not upon your arrival. While the security personnel at the store was merely doing his job, the manner in which he conducted himself and your good self is inappropriate, not within our own stipulated guidelines and ultimately totally unacceptable.
As our security is provided by a contractor, we have also discussed this matter with our Security Department, and to ensure that such an incident does not happen to any other customer we will be taking the following measures:
1) The contractor has been informed of the situation and sternly warned to ensure no repeat incident will occur at any store.
2) The actual personnel who mistreated you has been given a warning. Further to that, he shall be sent for re-training and we are also in the midst of looking into his transfer to another outlet.
3) Should such an incident occur again, as a result of that same personnel, he will be removed from our system and shall no longer service any of our stores.
Should you have any further request, please do not hesitate to contact me personally at the below number or on my mobile at 012-666 1264.
Thank you.
Focus & Discipline
Best regards,
Faiz Shah
Senior Marketing Manager
Watson's Personal Care Stores Sdn Bhd
A member of A.S.Watson Group (HK) Ltd
T +603-2147 7185
F +603-2143 2399
So utk u all or anyone jgn biar diri anda ditindas
negara kita ada undang2 so gunakanlah
HAK sebagai PENGGUNA dgn sebaik2nya dan
JANGAN sekali2 membiarkan diri anda DITIPU
kalu tak pun leh rujuk dgn aku sbb aku suker handle kes2 cam gini (takdok kojo ker hehe)
without any consultation charges
Psst: Aku ni mmg naughty sikit ingat mau mintak compensation tapi atas nasihat Mr Y cum my advisor kasi can dulu kalu kene lagi at least I know what to do & terus bawak legal action.
alang-alang nak gunakan hak sebagai pengguna..apa lagi..teruskan!!
ReplyDeletedorang ni kena kasi ajar jugak!
betoi tu beb.. sometimes org2 kite nie suke sgt ngan sikap TIDAK APA!
ReplyDeletekalau this is the first time.. betol gak lar cam mr.Y ckpkan tu... bagi chan la... lagi sekali kalau the same thing happen.. baru bawak kemuka pengadilan! hehehe...
klu dia dah mtk maaf and dah amek action gitu rasanya mmg patot la dimaafkan..bg second chance gitu..
ReplyDeletefollow ur advisor, mr Y..hehe~
Akak salute la ngan awak..berani kerana benar kan..
ReplyDeletela..posh pun kena jugak ke..
ReplyDeletesaya takde la dituduh mencuri..
tapi, mesin scanner tu rajin je berbunyik..bukan sekali, banyak kali..
ni watson yang dekat alamanda..
sampai sekarang still takut nak lalu..takut attract attention..hehe..
rasanya, response dari watson tu agak bagus..
at least diorang responsible pada apa yang berlaku..
rasanya, maafkan je la yer..
kalau berlaku lagi, kasi hentam habis2..hehe.
ala...mintak la duit.leh blanja i~
ReplyDeletest2 bagus mcm ni..kalo ad pape leh refer kat sis kan??hehehe~~
ReplyDeletesalam buat tuan umah..
ReplyDeletekiter tak pandai omputih...
iskk jgn kasi can je... :)
ReplyDeleteiskkk geram lak ngan dak watsons yg men tuduh2 tu..jgn kasi can lah..huhhuu..biar dia kena sack terus...kuikuikui
ReplyDeletewah tak sangka smpai depa bg surat cam ni...dahsyat aaa
ReplyDeletebuat yg terbaik posh ===
ReplyDeletesenang22 nak wat kte mcam tu...
yessss bagus lawan jangan tak lawan.. berani kerana benar.. mesin scanner nie memang banyak buek masalah dan banyak buat malu orang jerr... dah banyak kali aku lihat kat supermarket sihan aku tengok dorang tue dah macam pesalah tegarlak hehe apapun sihan aku kek kau hehe
ReplyDeletehmmm..sebab pihak watson tu ade sikap responsible kat kejadian tu.. pe kate maap kan je..ikut ckp mr y awk 2..hehehehe..
ReplyDeletebtoi tue beb..kadang2 kita masyarakat malaysia nie..asyik2 tak pa..tak pa..
ReplyDeletetapi tuk ur case nie...klu mr y cakap kasi chan dulu..so kasi la diorang chan dulu..tapi kalau ada kejadian kali kedua..make sure ko bawak ke muka pengadilan..hak sebagai pengguna tue perlu..
ko bg chance la.....pasni buat lg tiada maag bagimu