Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Award pulak

Nak duit mcm "nuffnang" silala klik2 CATCHEYE
Korang thanks sbb still sudi klik2 my nuffnang

semalam layan TAGkan hari ni
layan award lak

Antara syarat-syarat untuk amik award ni ialah:-

1) Thanks and link the person that gave you the award
Done lama sudah hehe

2) Pass this award onto 15blogger you're recently discovered and think are fantastic
(bukan takat tu ajer tapi mmg DABOOM and beautiful in person)

FloAlfera Atty Makdaraterdiva Dee LadyofLeisure Aireen aka Eryn Annfrendly Purplelicious rasp MiaIna Ummisya Mimilicious Cintamanisz adikmanja0201
Laydee N

3) Contact said blogs and let them know they've won the award
korang mai blog aku buat ler lite2 ajer bolehkan hehe

4) State 7 things about yourself
- Concern about beauty & health
- Love cats
- Outspoken depends on situation
- Suke fashion
- Suker nyanyi tp lirik kerlaut tak pernah nak hengat hehe
- Love to talk tp tngk geng...kalu geng mengap camno
- Kadang teremo jab

Hari ni aku cuba gak lak nak update entry terbaru
jgn boring yer

Psst: Sama gak siapa yg dah ada leh ignore sapa yg tak buat lagi leh ler layan kasi blog updated mcm aku hehe...pandai kan...hehe...hari ni aku cuba gak blogwalking...sedey tau graf down...huhu


  1. Tengok pada blog entry and follower,
    memang patut pun dapat award..

  2. kalo x silap dh ada lah sis..thx..

  3. mmg patot dpt pon ni sis... u r beautiful~~

  4. tq so much posh, aku daa dapek award ni tapi takpe nanti aku update..
    tq aku terharu gile ni. serius. ekeke..

  5. dtg tengok2x sis..dah lame tak mai sini..heeeee..

  6. wow aku ke tue beb...mak buyong terharu noks..hahahahaha


Komen biar ikhlas & membina
Kutukan adalah tidak dibenarkan sama sekali
Terima kasih kerana sudi komen
i likeeee